Hotel Mithat i Ankara

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KalkunHotel Mithat


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Opera Meydani, Tavus Sk. No:2, Anafartalar Mahallesi, Ulus, 06240 Altındağ/Ankara, Turkey
kontakter telefon: +90 312 311 54 10
internet side:
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Latitude: 39.936131, Longitude: 32.856384

kommentar 5

  • Stunny Pharouk-Starzmann

    Stunny Pharouk-Starzmann


    A dashing top hotel not far from the upbeat night clubs of the Downtown. Beautiful designer fabrics, lighting and walling and luxurious beds and sterile carpets. Polite non-nosey and discrete friendly service. Bathrooms and toilets are picobello. Make sure to ask about cigarette smoking rules.

  • Ali Hussein

    Ali Hussein


    Average hotel , good internet, most importantly they have a nice stuff

  • en

    Mohammed Abulamddi


    Very good location, you will be close to all markets.

  • Abhishek chitransh

    Abhishek chitransh


    initially i was being sceptic and confused for choosing this hotels over other loacal 5 star hotels as i dont know turkish and was in ankara for the first time. But after staying there i dont regret choosing this hotel at all the stay was pleasent. Staff was helpful breakfast was compratively well and for non turkish speaking well google translate work wonderful to interact with staff like any other place in turkey :) happy staying.

  • Emin Guluzade

    Emin Guluzade


    Very helpful and polite staff Rooms are clean Price is perfect

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